Frameworks can hurt you

How Frameworks Can Hurt You (and How To Avoid It)

Frameworks can hurt you

Great Product Managers leverage frameworks to deliver impressive results, right?

Marty Cagan has the Opportunity Assessment. Eric Ries the Lean Startup Method. Andy Grove and John Doerr popularized OKRs. Tony Ulwick and Clayton Christensen created the Jobs-To-Be-Done framework. Sean McBride at Intercom invented the RICE model.

Frameworks bring much-needed structure to the chaotic world of product development. They align teams, streamline processes, and provide a clear lens through which to assess decisions.

So what’s the catch?

Frameworks are tools.

Tools can be harmful when used the wrong way.

When Tools Become Traps

Let me tell you a story about how I screwed up at Google.

I was responsible for building the first growth teams within the new Communications division. Our job was to grow Google’s consumer facing apps (Google Allo for messaging, and Duo for video calling).

Very quickly, I built a strong culture of experimentation and data-driven decision making. It permeated the org. At every meeting, people came armed with data to drive what the team did next.

I did a great job. Too good, in fact.

Our relentless quest for empirical validation became our Achilles’ heel. We frequently found ourselves at crossroads where instincts and long-term strategy urged us forward, yet the immediate data suggested a full stop.

We were in analysis paralysis.

(cue record scratching sound effect)

It was a stark reminder that frameworks and data, for all their value, are tools – meant to be guides, not gospel.

Framework Traps and How To Avoid Them

Here are 4 common traps Product Managers and teams fall into when leveraging frameworks:

1. Obsessing Over the “Right” Framework

More time is spent arguing about the right framework to use vs. using a framework (any framework) to take action.

In the meantime, decisions are typically made using the default HIPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) framework.

An Example

This trap exists because different frameworks can suggest different paths.

For example, the RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) model might prioritize larger, higher-impact projects whereas the Lean Startup methodology is biased towards building through smaller, iterative releases.

How To Avoid this Trap

There is no optimal framework. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

The true value of a framework is defining a single frame of reference from which to make relative comparisons. A framework converts a list of 5 projects into a ranked list of 5 projects.

Get over disagreements by picking and sticking to one framework for 6-12 months. Commit to reviewing results and potentially trying a different framework. Framing the choice as an experiment makes it easier to disagree and commit.

2. Rigid Adherence to a Framework

Frameworks add structure, but dogmatic devotion to that structure can stifle creativity and intuition. Teams may start to find all problems look similar when artificially fit into the same, predetermined box.

An Example

My story of championing data as decision-maker at Google is the perfect example.

By treating data as king, we lost all forward progress when the data came back inconclusive. We were limiting our use of intuition and long-term strategy to bring new perspectives to the problems at hand.

How To Avoid this Trap

Consider the Japanese Art of Mastery called Shu-Ha-Ri.

Shu-Ha-Ri describes the three stages of learning – and ultimately mastering – a new skill:

  1. Shu (守): Follow the rules; learn fundamentals, techniques, and forms strictly without deviation.
  2. Ha (破): Break the rules; explore variations, make changes, and learn the underlying principles and why they exist.
  3. Ri (離): Transcend the rules; move beyond the techniques to innovate and create something new with a deep understanding.

Driving is a great example. In the beginning – you follow the rules to the letter (e.g. check all mirrors in rotation; both hands at the top of steering wheel). As you get comfortable, you develop your own style and intuition. Eventually, you are able to improvise and drive safely in almost any situation.

Apply this same philosophy to frameworks.

In the beginning, follow the framework as written to learn the fundamentals. But over time – as you internalize the underlying principles behind the framework – get comfortable improvising to find what works best for your team and your org.

3. “Check-the-Box” Framework

Sometimes, teams fill in a framework without any deep thinking. Whether they realize it or not, the framework is viewed as overhead vs. something of value.

This can create a false sense of security, leading teams to believe all bases are covered when critical aspects might be overlooked.

An Example

A classic example is quarterly planning via frameworks like OKRs.

Teams rush to define goals, often last minute. Goals roll over, quarter to quarter. And the end of the quarter, goals are graded – but no one does anything with the grades. Rinse and repeat.

Pro tip: learn how to fix the quarterly planning process

How To Avoid this Trap

Don’t be afraid to alter – or even abandon – a tool if it no longer serves its original purpose.

Run a retrospective, and ask – did this framework truly make a difference? If not – take time to determine how decisions are actually made. Lean into that process, or make a conscious decision to seek something better.

4. Disillusionment From Frameworks

This last trap is a new trend that is growing, fast.

PMs today are fortunate. Frameworks, training, and other resources on “how product management is supposed to work” are abundant.

The problem happens when these PMs join new companies. More often than not, they discover the theory of product management and the practice are often very different.

Many conclude they joined “feature factories”. They frequently jump ship, searching for the elusive “product-led” company that follows all the best practices they have learned about. In the meantime, their career growth suffers.

An Example

Pick. Any. Company.

Product management is inherently messy. Being a PM at Google? Messy. At Facebook? Messy. At startups? Messy. Yeah okay, but what about <fill-in-the-blank>? Messy.

Any PM searching for the perfect embodiment of popular product management frameworks is going to be disappointed.

How To Avoid this Trap

Don’t expect the ideal. But go ahead and yearn for the ideal.

In fact – finding ways to push your team towards the ideal represents some of the biggest growth opportunities for PMs. Making even incremental improvements will typically have org-wide impact. It is a great way to build a reputation, quickly.

At some point jumping ship to try something new may make sense. Just remember – being part of a great product org takes work, not luck.

Final Thoughts: When Frameworks Meet Flexibility

In embracing frameworks, let’s not forget the art of flexibility.

Allow them to inform and guide, but never to constrict. Learn when to adapt, innovate, and sometimes, when to set them aside.

Remember, a framework is a tool. As Product Leaders, it is our responsibility to ensure the tools our teams use serve the product, the organization, and the vision we aspire to bring to life.

When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

1. Fast-Track to Product Leader: The path to Product Leadership can be overwhelming. Take the guesswork out of your growth. Work 1:1 with me and I will rapidly transform you into a Product Leader.

2. Persuasive Storytelling: Unlock your career by amplifying your power to persuade. Master the step-by-step system I used to secure 9-digit budgets and negotiate Fortune 50 partnerships.

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